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Top Five Horror Movies of All Time

Updated: July 18, 2023, 04:05 PM IST | BrandMedia | | Mumbai

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Movies have become an evergreen form of entertainment for people all over the world.



From thrilling blockbusters to heartwarming dramas, films have the power to take us to the world of imagination. Movies have the control to evoke a range of emotions and provide an escape from the daily hectic and tedious routine.

In the 21st century, horror movies have taken a thrilling turn, attracting audiences with their chilling tales and spine-tingling suspense. The adrenaline rush provided by these movies is so thrilling. So, if you enjoy horror movies, we have plenty of choices for you.

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With the sorted and without any more delay, grab your favorite snack, turn off the lights, and enjoy the movie, whether you`re watching it with friends or alone. Immerse yourself in the terrifying worlds crafted by mastermind directors and experience horror like never before.

Have a look at the top five highly acknowledged horror movies of all time. We are sure you will love them.

1. The Exorcist (1973)

The Exorcist is surely one of the scariest movies of all time, it was released in 1973. This movie is about a young girl who gets possessed by a demon, and her mom tries to save her by having two Catholic priests perform an exorcism. The movie was based on a book of the same name written by William Peter Blatty.

The film starred actors like Ellen Burstyn, Max von Sydow, Jason Miller, and Linda Blair. However, making the movie was challenging because they had trouble finding the right actors and faced many accidents and problems during filming which was very disturbing.

When the movie was finally released, some people had strong physical reactions to the scary scenes. The movie received mixed reviews, but it became a big success and drew large crowds despite attempts to ban it in some places. It will definitely give you jump scares.

2. Hereditary (2018)

Hereditary is a chilling movie that came out in 2018. It was written and directed by Ari Aster, who was making his first feature film. The main actors in this movie are Alex Wolff, Toni Collette, Milly Shapiro, and Gabriel Byrne. The story is about a family that is grieving the death of their grandmother and starts experiencing strange things happening to them.

The movie was filmed in Utah, and it has been praised for the performances of the actors, the direction by Aster, and the music. The music itself was extremely impactful on top of the frightening scenes. It did really well at the box office, making a lot of money compared to its budget.

3. Paranormal Activity (2007)

Paranormal Activity is a beloved horror film, especially for ghost movie enthusiasts. The story revolves around a couple who move into a suburban home only to be tormented by a supernatural presence. Unlike other scary movies, this film takes a unique approach by setting the haunting in an ordinary Southern California house.

The unexpected flicker of a hallway light becomes incredibly frightening. While opinions may vary on filmmaking and storytelling, both audiences and critics agree that Paranormal Activity will leave you thoroughly frightened.

With its low-budget effects and documentary-style presentation, the movie builds relentless suspense throughout its 90-minute duration, delivering a haunting experience.

4. The Shining (1980)

The Shining is a timeless classic based on a globally recognized novel. The movie tells the story of a troubled writer who visits a spooky hotel, where things quickly take a terrifying turn. According to Harper`s Bazaar, director Stanley Kubrick masterfully combines stunning visuals and spine-chilling effects, creating unforgettable scenes like the blood-filled corridor.

Also, reading the book is one thing but to actually picture what the characters go through in the movie is just unexplainable. The film is also renowned for its deep symbolism and twisted perception, which still spark discussions today.

As Time Out magazine highlights, Kubrick`s brilliant execution and ability to generate a sense of claustrophobia make this movie a true masterpiece that continues to scare audiences.

5. The Conjuring (2013)

The Conjuring is a nerve-racking movie that was released in 2013. It seems like an ordinary horror film until you realize that it is based on a true story.

The Conjuring was directed by James Wan. The film stars Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga as Ed and Lorraine Warren, who are paranormal investigators.

The story is based on real-life cases they worked on, which also inspired The Amityville Horror story. In the movie, the panic-stricken Perron family experiences terrifying and unfamiliar activities at their new residence in Rhode Island in 1971. Ed and Lorraine Warren decide to help them.

The Conjuring was appreciated worldwide for its brilliant direction, screenplay, and intense music. It was a commercial success, making over $319 million worldwide against its $20 million budget.


Horror movies are a unique genre that provides a thrilling and terrifying experience for many people. Despite the outward discomfort they may cause, there is a fascination and enjoyment that comes from the adrenaline rush and pure shock they deliver.

Movies hold a special place in the hearts of people as a source of entertainment. Make sure to watch these thrillers with your friends or family.

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